Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hello! My name is Gabrielle Welsh, and I am super excited to be spending my spring break volunteering with sea turtles in NC. I am a freshman biology and dance double major, and I am especially interested in ecology and evolutionary biology. I am very interested in wildlife conservation, and I have volunteered with The National Aquarium and other conservation groups. I am from Baltimore, MD, and my hobbies include dancing, singing, seeing Broadway shows, hiking, and other outdoors activities.
      I am very excited to go to North Carolina because I have volunteered a lot with tree plantings and stream clean-ups where I was helping preserve an entire ecosystem, but I have never worked to save a specific endangered species. With habitats being destroyed all over the world, it is more important than ever to preserve the biodiversity that we have on this planet, and Terps Helping Turtles is giving me the perfect opportunity to do this. I will be volunteering in a sea turtle rehabilitation center, helping injured and rescued sea turtles so they can be released back into the wild. This will have the most direct impact of anything I have previously done to help preserve the environment, and I am very excited to have been given this amazing opportunity.

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