Thursday, February 20, 2014

Meet the Staff Advisor - Nicole Horvath

Nicole Horvath (holding turtle in picture)
  • Assistant Director of Student Services, ILS
  • MS, Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development
With over 10 years of professional and educational experience in wildlife conservation and sustainability education this is an experience that I am honored to be part of.  I am so excited to share this amazing experience with another group of ILS students and cannot wait for our week of hard work, laughs, and getting to provide support at the hospital.

As someone who is passionate about environmental conservation and educating others about how they can live in a more sustainable manner it is truly an honor to spend a week working with the amazing volunteers at the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital and of course getting to work alongside these amazing creatures.

The impact that this trip has on the participants is difficult to describe but it is seeing a student's transformation not only during the week we are there but once we come back to campus that is the reason that ILS continues to sponsor this experience for our students.

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